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Hi Troy, Thanks for all the work you've put into this new version of TntMPD. I'm already enjoying using some of the new features! A couple of questions: Memo field I love having the "Memo" field easily visible in the Gifts grid I serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators. How can I download...
I tried to find the post referring to Microsoft Access. Forgive me if this is redundant somewhere else. I have Microsoft Access 2007. I understand the reasons for TnTMPD needing the 2010 update. However, when I open my other Access Databases I have to go through a "Please wait while Windows configures...
Hey All, I am in the situation where I have our personal TntMPD database and then set up a corporate TntMPD Database. It is easy enough to switch between them through the FILE - Then recent Databases list. However, one thing I was hoping for is a way to link the Microsoft Access databases to their independent...
Every time I choose Microsoft Access from the Tools menu, I get the Choose Profile dialog box. When I choose the profile, nothing happens. Is this a bug or is there a way I should hold my mouth?