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When trying to exit the "Pledge Fulfillment Report" (pressing the red "x" in the top left) it will work very infrequently. I've gotten it to close the window only once. Most of my clicks to the red "x" are unresponsive in the program. Plus, the other buttons (normally...
Yes, thanks a ton Troy. This is great. I know several others, including Mark Davis, have put in looooooooong hours of work on this. Much appreciated! I spoke briefly with Mark and Troy this morning and learned a few things: This is a Beta version. Thus it is relatively untested, but that is why we are...
Note: The following describes an experimental (unsupported) test copy of TntMPD for the Mac. Please report any issues you find back to this beta testers forum . Here's my experience from today installing and running Tnt with Wine on OS X 10.5.8 Although the instructions said I need to install Wine...