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  • Synced addresses and donations successfully (after many tries)!

    After many tries, I have been able to download all my donor addresses' and donations onto my tntMPD on the beta version of tntMPD for the Mac. Here is what happened (and hopefully for those who have the patience, can find it work too!) I downloaded the beta version image file via David Hand's...
    by Joshua Wong on 12 May 2010
  • Pledge Fulfillment and other Windows Exiting Problem

    When trying to exit the "Pledge Fulfillment Report" (pressing the red "x" in the top left) it will work very infrequently. I've gotten it to close the window only once. Most of my clicks to the red "x" are unresponsive in the program. Plus, the other buttons (normally...
    by Brian on 11 May 2010
  • Problems with CrossOver 9.0 and TntMPD 2.0 r39

    I recently upgraded to CrossOver 9.0 and now I can't open my existing database. When I try, I get the error from TntMPD "Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed." Same message if I try to restore from a backup. It will not allow me to create a new database either, this...
    by DavidLootens on 8 Mar 2010
  • Re: Field 'PEOPLE_ID' not found

    Did you install the appropriate MDAC - modern component after the TNTMPD installation? I followed a walkthrough I found in crossover forums which basically laid out the following as the order of the installation: [Snow Leopard requires Crossover 8.0 or greater] 1) Create a fresh Windows XP Bottle 2)...
    by JHendrickson on 2 Nov 2009