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How can I become a translator?: Revision #3 from Bob!

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First published by:
Troy Wolbrink
on 12 Feb 2009
Last revision by:
on 6 Apr 2017
3 people found this article useful.
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How can I become a translator?

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Set your profile language preference

In order to translate a project into your language, your profile must be set to this language.  This should have been detected automatically, but to be sure, click on the "Edit" link next to your name so that you can edit your profile.

Your language preference is under "Regional and Language Options".  Set this to your language preference.  If your language preference is not listed, please contact Troy Wolbrink to request that your language be added.

Go to the online translation center

Click the "Translate" navigation link near the top right. 

Note: If your profile language is "English" then you can't go any further.  You can see the progress of translations, but you can't translate anything.

Click on the project you want to translate

If you want to translate the online help, click on "TntMPD Online Help".


Replace all the English text with the translated text.  If you see placeholders such as "%s", "%d", "1:s", "{0}" or anything else that looks a little abstract, please treat this as a placeholder.  What this means is that you can consider this a word that is filled in later.  Keep these placeholders as is.  If you don't, the translation screen will inform you, and give you a chance to correct it.

Save your work

When you are done translating, don't just close your browser.  Be sure to click "OK" at the bottom of the screen.  There area also other ways in which your work gets saved.  Everytime you click the "Next>" or "<Previous" link to go to the next or previous page of translatable items, when you click "Apply" or when you click the "TntTranslator" link at the top of the screen all cause your work to be saved.  The 2 ways you can avoid saving your work is to just close your browser window, or to click the "Cancel" button.

Advanced options

Check the "Advanced" check box near the top left to reveal some additional options.  These options allow you to filter by some custom text that you enter, to sort by English, or to import/export translations as csv text files.  There is also a "[Work Offline]" link that allows you to work with TntTranslator that comes with TntMPD 2.0 r73 or newer.  This allows you to work offline, and from TntTranslator, you can File | Save to Web to upload your work.


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