DonorWise TM
Enhanced communication with donors, enhanced ministry credibility...

How can I produce an annual report or year end summary receipt for my donors?: Revision #3

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How can I produce an annual report or year end summary receipt for my donors?

Year End Summary Receipt

DonorWise 3.3 includes a new report called "Year End Summary Receipt".  Select it under the "Reports" menu:

You will be prompted for a year, and you'll be prompted as to which donors to include.

It produces a one-page letter per donor, giving them their grand total for the year.

Year End Detail Receipt

This file is not currently included with DonorWise, but for now, you can manually add it.  First of all, download this zip file, and then extract the rpt file to a folder, such as your Desktop or your Documents folder.  Then, in the "Run Reports" screen in DonorWise, click the "New Report" button, and select the file.  When you run this report, you'll be prompted for the year, as well as if you want to limit which donors it refers to.

 Annual Donations by Donor

If you want to provide more details, such as a break down of which projects the gifts were given to and which months the gifts were given in, there's another report you can choose.

Under the "Reports" menu, select "Donations" and then "Annual Donations by Donor".

You'll be prompted for the date range, and if the report should be separated per donor/recipient:

You'll also be prompted for if you want to limit which donors or which designations are includes.  You can just select all.

This report will break down the giving by month and by designation: