TntConnect TM
Helping you build powerful connections for a lifetime of ministry...
Paso a paso: Panorama de la Vista Contactos

The Contact View is split up into three basic frames:

1.The Name & Address Bar across the top, showing the contact's address and phone, as well as their current financial relationship (Summary Data). This bar also shows the top of the Notes Tab, and two key fields you choose.

2.The Current Group of contacts, in the list down the side.

3.The working area is the 9 contact tabs. No matter which of these tabs you select, the above two items are always shown.

Consejo práctio: "Zonas activas" en la barra de nombre y dirección

You can click (or double-click) on almost anything in the Name & Address bar and act on it

Picture [even if there is no picture]
Name & Address [to edit]
Phone number [to initiate a call task]
Email [to initiate an email using your email provider]
Datos de resumen: Fase, Punto del estado, Media mensual [abre la Pestaña MPD]
Summary Data: Organization Account Number [opens View Organization Info]

Leer más > Panorama de administración de contactos

Consejo práctio: Apagar el auto-marcador de Windows

Clicking on a phone number in the Name & Address Bar will activate Windows Auto-Dialer, and also create a Log History for you. You can turn off the Windows Auto-Dialer in TntMPD Options.

Ruta de menú: Herramientas | Opciones

Leer más > Pestaña Interfaz de usuario

Paso a paso: Panorama de la Vista Contactos

This tutorial is designed to give you a quick introduction to the many aspects of the Contact View. You can find out more information about any particular item or tab by selecting the related link.

1.Click on the Address Tab.

Notice that each contact can have up to three addresses, one of which you define as the Preferred address. (This is the address TntMPD will use to create the mailing address for labels or envelopes.)

You can also enter phone numbers and email addresses (even Skype names!) here.

The Greetings are also controlled here. TntMPD automatically creates Greetings for each contact, but you can change them if you want.

Leer más > Pestaña Dirección

Leer más > Números de teléfono

Leer más > Direcciones de correo electrónico/Internet

Leer más > Saludos

2.Click on the MPD Tab.

The MPD Tab has its own overview and tutorial. But, in brief, the MPD Tab is the center of financial information for this contact, whether they are a donor or not. The MPD Tab has two sections:

Top: Assorted data fields related to this contact.

Bottom: Giving history for this contact, if any.

Leer más > Pestaña Desarrollo

3.Click on the Tasks Tab.

This is where you can see a list of pending tasks for this contact. You can manually create tasks (such as scheduling a phone call or appointment). TntMPD also creates tasks for you sometimes, when a contact gives Gifts.

You can view all pending tasks, for all contacts, on the Tasks View.

Leer más > Tareas e Historia

Leer más > Acción automática para nuevos donativos

Leer más > Paso a paso: Programar una tarea

4.Click on the History Tab.

The History Tab is very similar to the Task Tab, except that it is showing completed tasks rather than pending tasks.

You can log history (that is, log a completed task) from this location. You do not need to create a task on the Task tab first in order to complete it.

You can view all completed history, for all contacts, on the History View.

Leer más > Paso a paso: Registrar una historia

5.Click on the Groups Tab.

Assigning contacts to Saved Groups you create is a handy way to combine contacts for certain activities.

You can choose a contact's membership in any and all Saved Groups from the Groups Tab. You can manage all saved groups and their members from the Groups View.

Leer más > Grupos y Grupos guardados

6.Click on the Notes Tab.

The Notes Tab is a free-form notepad for writing anything you want to about a contact. The top portion of whatever you write will always appear in the Notes window above the tabs.

Leer más > Pestaña Notas

Consejo práctio: Pestaña Notas

Put Notes in the Notes Tab that are not conversation specific. Things like their interests, plans, children's education,etc. These are items you learn from them during phone calls and appointments.

Do not record conversation-specific things, or when you called or visited them. Use the History for that.

Leer más > Pestaña Notas

7.Click on the Personal Tab.

The Personal Tab is where you keep personal information that helps you know more about your contacts.

Leer más > Informe de cumpleaños y aniversarios

Leer más > Pestaña Personal

8.Click on the Pictures Tab.

Where you store the Picture that appears in the Name & Address Bar.

Leer más > Pestaña Fotos

9.Click on the User Tab.

The User Tab displays a few user-defined fields, for those times when you want to make TntMPD track something just for you, something it was not intended to track. You can modify the names of the User fields.

Leer más > Pestaña Usuario

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